
Last update: 26.02.2023

Amir Group GmbH

Heselstücken 18
D-22453 Hamburg
TEL: +49 (0) 40 226 369 070

Representing Managing
Director: Saman Amirabdollahian
Responsible for the content of the website: Saman Amirabdollahian
Court of register: Hamburg
Register Number: HRB 177472


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Image rights available for all pictures

Item Title: Konstruktion – Construction and Architecture
Item URL:
Author Username: vamtam
Licensee: HOSH MEDIA
Registered Project Name:
License Date: March 2nd, 2023
Item License Code: RUBXCFEV2S

Image Title: close industrial view equipment oil refiningoil
Image ID: 1497090155
Contributor Name: jutawat Rawichot
License Type: Standard License